The Wizard of Speed and Time Movie Review

In 1979, Mike Jittlov made a mark on Hollywood with the creation of the special effects short "The Wizard of Speed and Time" - and over the following decade, turned that ordeal into a (blog post) movie! It has become somewhat of a cult classic, but emphasis on (blog post) the cult because I'm sure most of you out there haven't even heard about th

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A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) Movie Review

Before we jump into Freddy vs Jason, it might be a good idea to take on the remakes. Yes, that means reviewing the movies even more (blog post) out of order than before.. but it's either that or building up to a finale on The Summer of Freddy Versus Jason that isn't Freddy vs Jason. That confuses me.Source: A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) Movie

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original review I was talking with Creepy about having a huge double-crossover conclusion while I was working on Summer of the Planet of the Apes. Unfortunately, my transportation was messed up, and blog post I had to use the Greyhound to reach his location. As a result, I had to shoot two episodes in one day while staying up for well over 2

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